How do we remember and transmit what has gone before, even the oppression, from the large, monumental recording of history to the ephemera of the everyday? How can this act of remembering exist in the future and serve to think us through the crises of the present?

This active archive does not deal with the objects of the past, it anticipates future, ideologically obsolete material. We select and process items from everyday experience, naming them as evidence of the current, late-capitalist oppression of women. Objects are identified, stamped, and placed back in circulation. The archive is an active critique.

This project is presented through a workshop / demonstration format, which focuses on the development of a post-patriarchal archive. Workshop participants are welcome to bring materials to be stamped. (Artefacts stamped include products such as 'feminine hygiene spray' and printed materials such as legal documents and contemporary fashion magazines.) Increasingly there is a thematic focus to the lectures, such as the construction of "feminine hygiene" or the nature of patriarchal time.