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Sarah Browne, Reproductions, 2014. i) handpainted latex and gun barrel steel

Reproductions are a group of three sculptural works, all of which involve latex casts of the walls, floor and cracks of the artist’s studio. These latex skins are peeled off and mounted on simple steel armatures, recalling washing lines, drying racks or stretchers. The uncanny materiality of these works implicitly evokes a connection or an equivalence between artistic and bodily (re)production. Reproductions are exhibited with the series of woven paper works titled Hand to Mouth, and the related film, Something from nothing, both related to subsistence labour and textile production in the Shetland Islands.

Sarah Browne, Reproductions, 2014. iii) handpoured latex and stainless steel
Sarah Browne, Reproductions ii) and iii), 2014. Installation view at CCA Derry~Londonderry, 2014

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Floor-painting latex at Fire Station Artist Studios, 2014